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Results 1-10 of 15 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018’...and Miraculously Post-Modern Became Ost-Modern’ : How On or About 1910 and 1924 Karel Čapek Helped to Add and Strike off the ‘P’Verita Sriratana
2013Why should we welcome the King of England? Didn’t Parnell himself…’: James Joyce’s (Re-)Vision of ‘Englishness’ and Virginia Woolf’s (Re-)Vision of ‘Irishness’ as Postcolonial SymptomsVerita Sriratana
2015Transnational Modernism and the Problem of Temporal Spatialisation in Franz Kafka’s “The Great Wall of China”Verita Sriratana
2015Transnarodowy modernizm a problem temporalnej spacjalizacji w Budowie chińskiego muru Franza KafkiVerita Sriratana
2015The Visegrád Group and Thailand: Transcending the ‘Freezer-Purgatory’ DilemmaVerita Sriratana
2014That is why I am free to dream of Prague’: A Critique on Authorial Nationality Discourse and Historical Grand Narrative in Laurent Binet’s HHhHVerita Sriratana
2013That alluring land (Ta zem vabna) which they both have never seen: imaging and imagining America in the words of Timrava and Virginia woolfVerita Sriratana
2012Martin was in the jungle alone, and the sun was sinking’: The Weather, Culture and Identity in Virginia Woolf’s The YearsVerita Sriratana
2011It was an uncertain spring : Reading the Weather in The YearsVerita Sriratana
2015Do as you please, comrades, make a dog of me, spit on me too: Initiation ceremonies, the rape of history and the ravages of political fanaticism in Milan Kundera's the jokeVerita Sriratana