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Title: Cystomastacoides van Achterberg (Braconidae, Rogadinae): first host record and descriptions of three new species from Thailand and Papua New Guinea
Authors: Quicke, Donald L. J.
Smith, M. Alex
Hrcek, Jan
Buntika Areekul Butcher
Email: No information provided
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No information provided
Other author: Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Science
Subjects: Cystomastacoides
Braconidae -- Thailand
Braconidae -- Papua New Guinea
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Pensoft Publishers
Citation: Journal of Hymenoptera Research, Vol 31 (2013), p. 65-78
Abstract: A new species of Cystomastacoides van Achterberg, C. asotaphaga Quicke sp. n., is described and illustrated based on a series of specimens reared from caterpillars of the erebid moth Asota plana Walker from Papua New Guinea. Two other new species without biological data are also described, C. nicolepeelerae Quicke & Butcher sp. n. also from Papua New Guinea, and C. kiddo Quicke & Butcher sp. n. from Thailand. A key is provided to the four known species. The new species extend the known range of the genus considerably, itpreviously been known only from a single species from mainland China (Yunnan), and additionally provides the first host record for the genus. Other related genera are parasitoids of Sphingidae, Lymantriidae and Crambidae
ISSN: 1070-9428 (printed edition)
1314-2607 (online edition)
Type: Article
Appears in Collections:Sci - Journal Articles

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