This study investigated the pattern of binge drinking among young adults in high socioeconomic area. Total 348 respondents were passed the screening test of AUDIT within 8-19 score of binge level. Males were more likely to have harmful drinking than females as males were more likely to drink more than females, as males were more likely to drink than females. People who binge drinking around high socioeconomic area has moderate to wealthy status and finished at least Bachelor degree. The respondents who earned high income were more likely to drink more volume of alcohol, and tended to spend more on their binge drinking; especially males were found to spend higher than females. Beer (68.8%) was the type that males consumed the most in past 30 days, while wine (64.6%) was the most in females. Selling alcohol (94.3%) and location (95.1%) showed the majority that encouraged the respondents to nightclubs. Influenced by friend (95.1%) were also the major elements in development of binge drinking problems. Many of the respondents experienced alcohol-related consequences such as unable to continue regular routine (81.9%), accidents (42.8%), and unprotected sex (42.5%). The chance created these consequences had increased by the higher volume of alcohol consumption. There was the high number of illicit drug used, as males have ever consumed more drugs comparing to females. The number of respondents who consumed Cocaine (38.5%), Erimin5 (28.4%), and Ecstasy (25.3%) were popular in nightclubs. Some of the respondents admitted that they paired drugs with alcohol, as Cocaine (33.3%) was the highest, following with Ecstasy (25.9%), and Erimin5 (24.4%) respectively. The study found that binge drinking in high socioeconomic nightclubs was considerably high, and affected to health consequences. The related organization should be surveillance, and plan for the future prevention and intervention.