Patient satisfaction survey has been highly important, since satisfying the needs and expectations of patients had become a significant strategy for survival in the healthcare business. This study aims (1) to evaluate levels of patient satisfaction using the SERVQUAL in Dapuqiao Community Health Service Center during COVID-19 pandemic, (2) to assess the difference between perceptions and expectations for service dimensions, and (3) to identify the most crucial service items using the importance and performance analysis (IPA), in terms of their need for managerial action to improve outpatient satisfaction.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Dapuqiao Community Health Service Center in Shanghai, in December 2021. The subjects were obtained by stratified convenience sampling from 8 outpatient departments of the center. Outpatients aged ≥18 were considered to participated by the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Researchers randomly intercepted 424 in outpatient clinics of the health service center to fill out questionnaires face-to-face. The SERVQUAL was used to design the questionnaire for evaluate the patients' perceptions and expectations of 5 service dimensions of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The GAP analysis was used to reveal the gap between perceptions and expectations, and outpatients’ satisfaction level. In addition, the original IPA and the revised IPA were applied to identify the crucial service items in terms of their need for managerial action to improve outpatient satisfaction.
The results indicated that A total of 414 completed questionnaires, out of 424, were returned, resulting in a response rate of 97.6%. The mean score of outpatient’s perceptions and expectations were 4.58±0.47 and 4.56±0.50, respectively. According to the GAP analysis, 78.02% (323/414) subjects were satisfied, with a perceptions score ≥ expectations score. There was significant positive difference between perception and expectation in tangibility dimension and significant negative difference in empathy dimension.
In conclusion, the finding of this study indicated that the hospital manager may take steps toward improving the quality of services and increasing the outpatient satisfaction by provide new medical equipment and giving patient individualized services.