This research aims to examine the causes of skills shortages among craft and related trades workers in Thailand, to identify the main skills shortages in various occupations, and to identify the policy solutions and the types of workers that need to be encouraged.
This thesis thus aims at filling this information gap and testing the consistency of the results by measuring the labour shortages and skills shortages and investigating the policy recommendations that can be successfully implemented. The policy recommendations are focused on improving the efficiency of the labour force of Thailand, particularly through investment in education, which can help to fulfil demand and alleviate shortages, including skills shortages. Furthermore, the development of personal capabilities, as well as on-the-job training and apprenticeships in organisations and departments, will be able to develop the existing labour workforce along with new workers in the future to become a multi-skilled labour force.
The results of the study showed that with regard to the skills and knowledge among craft and related trades workers in Thailand, most of the skills and knowledge can be developed by taking courses or receiving training. However, several of the skills and fields of knowledge may require a long period of time to understand and obtain. Moreover, both the private and public sector should focus on education by concentrating more on vocational education and programmes that are equivalent to higher education.