This research analyzed the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) by using the concept of social inclusion and discussed the factors that inhibit the social inclusion of trainees. Not much previous research on has been done on this because trainees are allowed to stay in Japan temporarily and they must go back to their home countries after the training is over. However, trainees contribute economic growth in Japan and play an important role for solving issues of the labor force. Realizing social inclusion of trainees is thus a significant issue for Japan. Factors that inhibit the social inclusion of trainees includes language barriers, institutional barriers”, and psychological barriers. Through a case study of Nagasaki city, the local governments’ initiatives contribute to include foreign trainees in Japanese society through programs such as citizen volunteers, language classes and legal consultation.
This research concluded that increasing the opportunities to contact foreign workers and Japanese workers in regards to understanding the issues that foreign workers face in Japan are key factors to realize the social inclusion of trainees. To realize the international development role of TITP and safe migration, it is necessary to create clear criteria for Japanese language education and create an environment where all stakeholders work together to support trainees.