Objectives: This study investigated alveolar arch forms and the differences of buccolingual alveolar bone thickness among arch forms in anterior esthetic region using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Material and methods: Axial views of 113 CBCT images were assessed at the level of 3 mm below cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of left and right canines. Root center points of all teeth in anterior esthetic region were set as the reference points in order to measured Intercanine width, interpremolar width, intercanine depth, interpremolar depth and intercanine width/depth ratios and digitized X and Y coordinates. Arch forms were then classified following transverse dimensions and intercanine width/depth ratio. Best fitting curves were created from mean coordinates of each arch form using fourth degree polynomial equation. Buccolingual alveolar bone thickness of anterior maxillary teeth was measured at 3 mm below CEJ and middle of root length levels. The differences of mean thickness between arch forms were analyzed. Results: This study demonstrated that anterior maxillary arches were classified as long narrow arch, short medium arch, long medium arch and long wide arch. The significant differences of buccolingual alveolar bone thickness among arch form groups were found at both levels (p-values < 0.001). Long wide arch presented the thickest buccolingual alveolar bone followed by long medium arch while both long narrow and short medium arches showed the narrowest. Conclusions: In anterior esthetic region, alveolar arches were classified as long narrow arch, short medium arch, long medium arch and long wide arch. The buccolingual alveolar bone thickness exhibited significant differences between arch forms.