This study investigates the social, economic and political cultural characteristics of the Thai-Chinese community in the municipal Hat Yai area via ethnic Chinese-affiliated organizations. It analyzes the role of these organizations in influencing and maintaining the community, and supporting networks within and outside the community. Research is based on primary and secondary sources, multiple direct observation visits from November 2011 to August 2013, and in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The study argues that the Hat Yai Thai-Chinese community maintains social, economic and political cultural characteristics derived from Chinese cultural influence. The Thai-Chinese voluntary organizations play a significant role in maintaining a Thai-Chinese identity by empowering the community through a networking structure that provides collective resources. They have managed to co opt government forces to protect the ethnic heritage and promote community economic interests. Chinese cultural characteristics differing from Thai are low uncertainty avoidance, high competitiveness, and pragmatic long-term orientation. Distinguishing Chinese traditional characteristics also include ancestor worship, adherence to Chinese festivals, and ideals that extol power, wealth and industriousness. Thai and Chinese shared characteristics of high power distance and collectivism are evident in attitudes toward the acceptance of government power in the market, promotion of social welfare and redistribution of wealth, expressions of loyalty to state and monarchy, and unconventional conceptions and practice of "democracy." Thai-Chinese organizations provide strong social and economic networking with ethnic Chinese in Malaysia and China. Challenges to community cultural identity include economic changes and globalization. This study challenges the “assimilation paradigm” and demonstrates a more complex influence of Chinese social, economic and political characteristics. The study better informs the field of research into the Southern Thailand cultural environment and Overseas Chinese communities.