The objective of this investigation was to study the effect of medium chain fatty acids, organic acids and fructooligosaccharide on cecal Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis colonization, physically and biological changes of intestine in broiler chickens. Six hundred day old chicks were allocated into 4 treatments. The treatments were CON: broiler chicks were received basal corn-soybean meal diet. FOS: broiler chicks were received basal diet supplemented 4 g/kg fructooligosaccharide, ORA: broiler chicks were received basal diet and given tap water supplemented with mixed organic acids at 1:1,000 continuously until the end of experiment, MCA: broiler chicks were received basal diet and given tap water diluted with medium chain fatty acids 1:1,000 continuously from start until 35 days and 1:2,000 until the end of experiment, All chickens were inoculated with S.Enteritidis 0.3 ml is culture 10[superscript 6] cfu/ml at day 3 and 1 ml of 10[superscript 8 cfu/ml at day 13 post-hatching. At days 21, 35 and 45 of age, body weight and feed intake were recorded. Cecal samples were examinated of S.Enteritidis colonization. In situ pH determination in crop small intestine and ceca were measured. Jejunal mucosal samples were collected for the determination of disaccharidases. Iileal digesta were collected for nutrients digestibility using the marker technique. Cecal contents were collected for determination of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Plasma samples were collected to determine medium chain fatty acids. Forl the overall period (day 1-45 of age), chicks in MCA and ORA groups had significantly (p<0.05) higher average daily gain and better feed conversion ratio than CON group. Chicks in MCA, ORA and FOS group had significantly (p<0.05) higher body weight than CON group. Chicks in MCA and ORA group showed the reduction of S.Enteritidis in the ceca which was significantly (p<0.05) lower than CON group. Chicks in MCA, ORA and FOS group had significantly (p<0.05) lower pH of crop and intestine than CON group. Chicks in MCA group had significantly (p<0.05) higher disaccharidases enzyme, digestibility of nutrients, SCFAs (acetic acid and valeric acid), MCFAs in plasma than CON group. In conclusion, chicks in MCA and ORA group had better growth performance, less S.Enteritidis colonization and pH in crop and intestines. Chicks in FOS group tended to decrease Salmonella colonization in ceca. The chicks in MCA and FOS group increased sucrase activity. Moreover, chicks in MCA group were found MCFA concentrations in plasma, increased SCFAs concentrations in ceca and nutrients digestibility.