The study of the new standard for classifying the motorcycle tires (File Tolerance Product, FTP) including the preparation of the inspectors who classify the tires needs to be studied before implement the new FTP instead of current FTP. Due to this reason, the comparison between the current and new FTP, the collection of the details to adjust new FTP, the preparation for using in the real situation and the training of inspectors about completed new FTP which made the inspectors understood and could use completed new FTP correctly were done. The results of these processes are the addition of the defective tire groups (CQ) in new FTP and the updating of criteria which are used to determine the defect on tire because of the improvement of the rework instruction and the experience of rework operators. This makes the percentage of the gain tires from the classification result of new FTP increases equal to 8 as compared with the current FTP. The training of inspectors about using the new FTP shows that they can use new FTP correctly.