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A study of the benefits and barriers of Thai SMEs with bot policy supporting SMEs

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dc.contributor.advisor San Sampattavanija
dc.contributor.author Laksika Junyakhajorn
dc.contributor.other Chulalongkorn University. Faculty of Economics
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-21T06:22:46Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-21T06:22:46Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.uri http://cuir.car.chula.ac.th/handle/123456789/76257
dc.description Independent Study (M.A.)--Chulalongkorn University, 2020
dc.description.abstract This qualitative and descriptive study aims to determine from the perspective of SMEs owner towards the policies in order to see the benefits and obstacles of Thai SMEs with BOT policies on supporting SMEs. The in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 SMEs owners in Thailand and some interview questions generating to deeper discussion. The thematic analysis was used to analyze the interviews. The study showed that some company characteristics data i.e., company age, company size, and business sectors had a significant effect on perspectives towards the policies supporting SMEs. However, the demographic characteristics of owner did not relatively affect the perspective towards the policies. In addition, the discussion session generating during the interview also revealed the factors affecting decision of financial institutions selections which some factors are not expected but interesting. The financial institutes and policymakers then can apply this study result to develop their policies for elevating Thai SMEs to fully participate in global value chains and adjusting the policies to meet SMEs’ needs.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Chulalongkorn University
dc.relation.uri http://doi.org/10.58837/CHULA.IS.2020.96
dc.rights Chulalongkorn University
dc.subject Small business
dc.subject Monetary policy -- Thailand
dc.subject.classification Economics
dc.title A study of the benefits and barriers of Thai SMEs with bot policy supporting SMEs
dc.title.alternative การศึกษาประโยชน์และอุปสรรคของ SME ในประเทศไทยต่อนโยบายของธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย
dc.type Independent Study
dc.degree.name Master of Arts
dc.degree.level Master's Degree
dc.degree.discipline International Economics and Finance
dc.degree.grantor Chulalongkorn University
dc.identifier.DOI 10.58837/CHULA.IS.2020.96

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  • Econ - Independent Studies [151]
    สารนิพนธ์ คณะเศรษฐศาสตร์ ตั้งแต่ปีการศึกษา 2562 เป็นต้นไป

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